Tuesday 2 October 2007

I looked like I need the toilet, apparently

I walked into the crammed little café near my house and the man behind the counter said, 'Sorry, you can't use the toilet' . 'I wanted a coffee actually, thanks.' 'Oh', he said, and made me one. The desire for an apology hung in the air unfulfilled. The coffee was good, my husband outraged and I quietly amused.

When I started Wedge Card journalists everywhere threw the accusation at me that there were some terrible small shops out there – how were we going to guarantee quality? I said 'we can't.' There are some terrible drivers out there, but we don't stop cars. Small shops are as individual as their owners. There's no pre-ordained dialogue or shelves scientifically organised to get you to spend more. It's all a bit human, these little shops, that's why they rock.

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